About InW

Images ‘n Words has been active in the multimedia industry since 1985. Since 2004, the focus has been on text and translation services from German and English. In the early years, decorative photography also played an important role. Experience and flexibility have solidified Images ‘n Words’ reputation.


Images ‘n Words strives for the highest possible quality. This means limited use of fancy but meaningless technology, but instead reliable craftsmanship that you can trust, combined with technology that actually makes a difference.


Images ‘n Words evolves with your needs and is always open to new ideas. You can be sure that with Images ‘n Words, you always get the best service. The mission is to understand you and your goals. Images ‘n Words works closely with you to ensure that the solutions are tailored to meet your needs. Your success is our goal.

Customer Service

Satisfied customers are the ultimate goal. Images ‘n Words always goes the extra mile. Service is a hallmark, and Images ‘n Words takes pride in helping you achieve your goals.

Privacy Images ‘n Words adheres to strict rules when it comes to your information. All information you provide is maximally protected. Apart from legal obligations, Images ‘n Words will never disclose your information to third parties under any circumstances. To further protect your privacy, Images ‘n Words is very reluctant with respect to providing information for market research and will not disclose any information that can be traced back to our partners and clients.